Friday, 6 December 2013

Rain Falling After Effects

I experienced quite a bit of trouble while trying to determine how to create the effect of rainfall for one of the more miserable scenes in my film. My issue came about because I wanted to draw my own raindrop outlines to use, rather than use generic CG rain. I watched many a video on YouTube and Vimeo about creating a rain effect in AE, but none of them gave any indication as to how to use one's own rain drops. I tried first using a particle simulator effect, and using my own raindrop as the particular, but it didn't work out quite as I had hoped. The direction and flow of the rain didn't look natural at all. I could possible go back to this and experiment more with it if needs be at a later stage, if nothing else I try out works.

After this, I tried creating a separate composition of a single raindrop falling in AE over the top of a cloudy background that I had created in Photoshop, and then repeating the same thing over and over and over. Aside from this being incredibly tedious, it still did not look quite right. I will continue to experiment and update this blog post later with any developments.

Rain test from Cal McLoughlin on Vimeo.

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