Sunday, 15 December 2013

Inserting the Sound

Thankfully, just in time for my animation to be due, Chris delivered the final music piece to me. This one was my favourite of all of them by far, and I was very pleased to be able to use it with my animation. I think it captures the mood of the poem and the emotions I am trying to convey very well. It is especially tailored to the visuals, so the highs and lows, changes in tempo and pauses mimic the action on screen.

As well as this recorded music track, I wanted to include some sampled sound effects to the piece. My idea was to keep them very sparse, so only use about 5 or 6 in the entire compositions: just enough to enhance the narrative and visuals but without being any kind of a focal point. The sound clips I downloaded from, which is all completely free and royalty free, which was great to find. On the website I discovered an entire bank of sound clips to choose from, and each one met my specific needs very well.

In order to add the sound files onto the visuals, I had to learn methods of combining the two with software. As I have never really worked with sound before, I thought this would be a challenge for me. As I was using Adobe Premiere Pro to edit the entire short's final output, I watched some videos online about using Premiere Pro for sound editing. I found the process relatively simple, and I picked up the technical knowledge quickly.

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